Friday, October 31, 2008
The JOY of passing NCLEX
I now eat DURIAN

Sometime around July or August, I was able to finally took the risk of tasting the fruit they call 'taste like heaven but smells like hell'. Our house is engulfed by the strong odor it distributes everytime my sister's bf brings this fruit.
Dinner time, my sister took out a medium plastic ware full of Durian meats, which will serve as dessert. They were encouraging me. A small taste wouldn't do me any harm. So, I took a pinch. They all looked at me when I put a small Durian meat into my mouth and awaited for my reaction, or violent reaction, hehehe. It taste good pala, sweet, delicious. I took
another one. Yummy! Wow, they all smiled. And that started it all..Durian peaks during Kadayawan in Davao.
I'm not that good in choosing the good-tasting durian but as far as I know, PUYAT and MALAYSIAN variety is satisfying.
It's costly nga lang nowadays at P60/kilo. It drops during off-peak season for as low as P25/kilo.
Before, only Papa and sis eats durian. Even our pet dogs loves it! Now, I could say DURIAN taste heavenly.
Semestral break
Note: This post is lengthy. You might need some company as you read this or anything to eat on the side. [chuckles]
October 28, 2008
October 28, 2008
My inaanak [Godchild] baby Arnold's 1st birthday. Wasn't able to go to the party 'cause of the loads of work I had to attend to. Anyways, after finally submitting the grades, classcards and clearance to the Admin, I headed to Chem's place only to find out they left na pala. [Sighs]
I caught up with Ate jel having her very,very late lunch and early dinner. It was around 5:25pm already. She served me a delectable binignit [halo-halo in coconut milk served hot/warm].
I thank Ate Jel for the merienda and took a jeepney bound for Padada. G texted she would fetch me at the Trimotor terminal. The night is drizzling. Don't want to caught up with the rain so I took a trimotor ride for P10 to G's place. At the entrance of DASUCECO compound, the guard ask where I am heading. Told him to Tandang's place. I humbly added I am their Instructor..char! hehe..I know, it's an SOP to ask strangers entering their place.
When I got there, I learned Mavic is coming over. Wow, saya nito. Bonding!! We had dinner. But, I have no plans of sleeping over for the night. I'd go home talaga after a short stay but time runs so fast that we didn't noticed it was pass 9pm already. My sister were texting me na to go home. When you spend time with your friends, time is immeasurable. So, I texted sis i'm sleeping over with Chem and Mavic. We watched Final Destination 1 and was thrilled on each of the character's death-rifying experience.
October 29, 2008
Good morning! Had a good sleep. Pi's horrifying stories never bit me. hehehe! She and Chem slept around 3am playing Word Factory. I guess the rest of the gang were exchanging snores na during this time, hahaha!
G and Pi were very accomodating. We all had a full meal breakfast. Complete from carbohydrates, protein, fats to fiber..char!! Mura mig mga bakasyonista. Sarap ng feeling!! Videoke, movie showing, free use of computer and sumptous meals, san ka pa?!
After breakfast, we sing our hearts out. Mavic's choice of songs were Pinoy rock while I and Chem were those mellow, love and pop songs we love. Wa bitaw laing maminaw. Kanta lang..hahaha!! Pi grace our request as she sang old and new songs. We just admire her golden voice. It makes me remember of Emz during College.
We intend to go home after breakfast but was moved again till lunchtime. At one point, we were all laughing 'cause our clothes were officially worn for 24 hours already. Ewww..hihihi =)
Pass 2pm..G took me and Mavic for a motorcycle ride to the bridge under construction connecting Guihing to Digos City. Folks there means of transportation is via a bangka [river boat] pulled using a rope unto the other side and the hanging man-made brige carefully welded. Oh, well.I won't dare to cross that bridge. Or so I thought. Chem wanted to try the hanging bridge. Mavic is used to cross hanging bridges in Cotabato. I remained silent. Should I or should not? 'Experience te bern..', Chem said, smiling. Giggling. I was having second thoughts talaga. I observed people carrying bicycles while crossing the bridge. 'Sige na nga..'
I answered in strong voice but deep inside, i am beginning to perspire. My chest begins to pound as we approach the bridge.
My God, it has only one handle. Could it bear my weight? The distance from the river is like around 20 feet. Mavic posed for a picture before crossing and volunteered to take our picture as we cross the bridge.
When it was my turn, everyone including people living nearby and construction workers peeked as I cross. Mura kog artista. Kung pwede lang mu-wave, hehehe. Nervousness began to enveloped my whole body. Naa na ko sa tunga niya nilihok pa bitaw na, lami kaayo isinggit. Kung kabalo lang mo sa feeling. It was really nerve-wracking. Few steps before setting foot on the other side, they were cheering me up. I placed my palm on Mavic's cheek. Namugnaw daw ko ug taman! hahaha!! I made it!!
Pass 3pm..We walked our way [more like an amazing race] to this small stall infront of a mango farm selling durians. When we get there,it was all sold out =(, sad! we took a taxi, same as the fare in multicab. We ended up buying the ones sold in the public market of Digos. I bought one piece for P175. Huge enough and its meat is sticky, and taste good, huh! I dropped by the Bakery also to buy some snacks for my sister's visitors at home.
My best bud patzs' heart is broken again. Mighty bond or any liquid adhesive can't fix the problem. Poor buddy. He had enough of their relationship. Let loose dear. You don't deserve to feel that way. You'd find someone better in time.
October 30, 2008
Morning. My good friend Joy informed thru text she would pay me a visit this afternoon to catch up on our latest whereabouts. Haven't seen her for a while. We rarely text and this blogger is excited to hear the result of her good friend's NCLEX result. Oh my, my friends are so lucky. am i not? oooopppsss, here i go again..i should not be like this..
Thanks to Ms. Rae, by the way for sending in very inspiring messages. It made me realize of my worth whenever i feel down, sometimes.
3:15pm. Joy and Mitot arrived. We began chatting and chatting and chatting. Mare is apprehensive of the result. She didn't took the quick count kasi. She opted to wait for the result na lang in weeks time.
5pm. While talking with dimples outside their house, Mareng joy received a text from NCRC informing her to get her NCLEX result tomorrow in the morning at Davao. All of us paused for a while waiting for her to reply to the message. We're positive about it.
6pm. Been to the market with mareng joy, mitot and sheila. Thanks for the ride mare, was able to save my tricycle fare.
Patzs dropped by my place again to repeat the joy ride. My sister couldn't help giggling and laugh out loud when patzs and I began conversing in English. Gina-OA-yan man gud namo. Have I mentioned he passed IELTS recently? He just did. Congratz, buddy!!
We finished muna watching Amazing Race Asia before we left. Wow! Team Philippines stepped on the mat 1st place for the second time. Sad nga lang kasi si Henry and Bernie of Thailand ang na eliminate. We were rooting for them to the Final 3. They were very competitive. Sana si A.D. and Fuzzie na lang na out. Hehe.
Goodnight, fellas! Hope u had fun reading..ciao!!
I caught up with Ate jel having her very,very late lunch and early dinner. It was around 5:25pm already. She served me a delectable binignit [halo-halo in coconut milk served hot/warm].
I thank Ate Jel for the merienda and took a jeepney bound for Padada. G texted she would fetch me at the Trimotor terminal. The night is drizzling. Don't want to caught up with the rain so I took a trimotor ride for P10 to G's place. At the entrance of DASUCECO compound, the guard ask where I am heading. Told him to Tandang's place. I humbly added I am their Instructor..char! hehe..I know, it's an SOP to ask strangers entering their place.
When I got there, I learned Mavic is coming over. Wow, saya nito. Bonding!! We had dinner. But, I have no plans of sleeping over for the night. I'd go home talaga after a short stay but time runs so fast that we didn't noticed it was pass 9pm already. My sister were texting me na to go home. When you spend time with your friends, time is immeasurable. So, I texted sis i'm sleeping over with Chem and Mavic. We watched Final Destination 1 and was thrilled on each of the character's death-rifying experience.
October 29, 2008
Good morning! Had a good sleep. Pi's horrifying stories never bit me. hehehe! She and Chem slept around 3am playing Word Factory. I guess the rest of the gang were exchanging snores na during this time, hahaha!
G and Pi were very accomodating. We all had a full meal breakfast. Complete from carbohydrates, protein, fats to fiber..char!! Mura mig mga bakasyonista. Sarap ng feeling!! Videoke, movie showing, free use of computer and sumptous meals, san ka pa?!
After breakfast, we sing our hearts out. Mavic's choice of songs were Pinoy rock while I and Chem were those mellow, love and pop songs we love. Wa bitaw laing maminaw. Kanta lang..hahaha!! Pi grace our request as she sang old and new songs. We just admire her golden voice. It makes me remember of Emz during College.
We intend to go home after breakfast but was moved again till lunchtime. At one point, we were all laughing 'cause our clothes were officially worn for 24 hours already. Ewww..hihihi =)
Pass 2pm..G took me and Mavic for a motorcycle ride to the bridge under construction connecting Guihing to Digos City. Folks there means of transportation is via a bangka [river boat] pulled using a rope unto the other side and the hanging man-made brige carefully welded. Oh, well.I won't dare to cross that bridge. Or so I thought. Chem wanted to try the hanging bridge. Mavic is used to cross hanging bridges in Cotabato. I remained silent. Should I or should not? 'Experience te bern..', Chem said, smiling. Giggling. I was having second thoughts talaga. I observed people carrying bicycles while crossing the bridge. 'Sige na nga..'
I answered in strong voice but deep inside, i am beginning to perspire. My chest begins to pound as we approach the bridge.
My God, it has only one handle. Could it bear my weight? The distance from the river is like around 20 feet. Mavic posed for a picture before crossing and volunteered to take our picture as we cross the bridge.
When it was my turn, everyone including people living nearby and construction workers peeked as I cross. Mura kog artista. Kung pwede lang mu-wave, hehehe. Nervousness began to enveloped my whole body. Naa na ko sa tunga niya nilihok pa bitaw na, lami kaayo isinggit. Kung kabalo lang mo sa feeling. It was really nerve-wracking. Few steps before setting foot on the other side, they were cheering me up. I placed my palm on Mavic's cheek. Namugnaw daw ko ug taman! hahaha!! I made it!!
Pass 3pm..We walked our way [more like an amazing race] to this small stall infront of a mango farm selling durians. When we get there,it was all sold out =(, sad! we took a taxi, same as the fare in multicab. We ended up buying the ones sold in the public market of Digos. I bought one piece for P175. Huge enough and its meat is sticky, and taste good, huh! I dropped by the Bakery also to buy some snacks for my sister's visitors at home.
My best bud patzs' heart is broken again. Mighty bond or any liquid adhesive can't fix the problem. Poor buddy. He had enough of their relationship. Let loose dear. You don't deserve to feel that way. You'd find someone better in time.
October 30, 2008
Morning. My good friend Joy informed thru text she would pay me a visit this afternoon to catch up on our latest whereabouts. Haven't seen her for a while. We rarely text and this blogger is excited to hear the result of her good friend's NCLEX result. Oh my, my friends are so lucky. am i not? oooopppsss, here i go again..i should not be like this..
Thanks to Ms. Rae, by the way for sending in very inspiring messages. It made me realize of my worth whenever i feel down, sometimes.
3:15pm. Joy and Mitot arrived. We began chatting and chatting and chatting. Mare is apprehensive of the result. She didn't took the quick count kasi. She opted to wait for the result na lang in weeks time.
5pm. While talking with dimples outside their house, Mareng joy received a text from NCRC informing her to get her NCLEX result tomorrow in the morning at Davao. All of us paused for a while waiting for her to reply to the message. We're positive about it.
6pm. Been to the market with mareng joy, mitot and sheila. Thanks for the ride mare, was able to save my tricycle fare.
Patzs dropped by my place again to repeat the joy ride. My sister couldn't help giggling and laugh out loud when patzs and I began conversing in English. Gina-OA-yan man gud namo. Have I mentioned he passed IELTS recently? He just did. Congratz, buddy!!
We finished muna watching Amazing Race Asia before we left. Wow! Team Philippines stepped on the mat 1st place for the second time. Sad nga lang kasi si Henry and Bernie of Thailand ang na eliminate. We were rooting for them to the Final 3. They were very competitive. Sana si A.D. and Fuzzie na lang na out. Hehe.
Goodnight, fellas! Hope u had fun reading..ciao!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Auntie Betty's Birthday!
Happy happy birthday to my dear Auntie Betty. May God bless you with more healthy years to your life. Thank you for being good to us. God bless your kindness. Maligayang Kaarawan mula dito sa Pilipinas!!
Anyways, I now know my Auntie Nelly reads my blog. Thank you po for spending time to read a part of my life..hehe..Send my best regards to everybody. Miss ya!
Anyways, I now know my Auntie Nelly reads my blog. Thank you po for spending time to read a part of my life..hehe..Send my best regards to everybody. Miss ya!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
a worthy visit
We walked our way to the Magsaysay Elementary School. They were excited. Everything was checked, from fixing their hair to uniform to IDs including the attendance..san ka pa?! hehe..
When we arrived, the special children(s) were pleased to see us. Mrs. Richilie Solis introduced us to her co-teachers and to the students of each classroom. The students were excited. I, too is excited to learn SIgn language. In fact, in one of Ma'am Solis' lectures, I seat-in for a while. I've learned a bit, I've got to learn more. My students does know how to execute sign language. I know they won't have a hard time communicating with the special children.
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