We left school around 9:15am. I might be able to spot some extraordinary signs and labels which i will post one of these days. Oh yes, I always bring my handy digital camera with me. Photography really is one of my passion. We arrived at Matanao National High School around 9:46am. We noticed the automobiles of some Schools from Davao del Sur parked under the school's huge tree. I seemed to have remembered my memorable times when I was in High School. I once wore those navy blue pleated-skirts paired with the white blouse, the black shoes, white socks. And during recess, munching a stick of sweet banana-Q and sipping a concentrated pineapple juice placed on a plastic, holding it tightly while talking to classmates and some schoolmates under the tree talking everything that comes out of our innocent minds.
Oh, well..memories. Anyways, going back to our Career Guidance, that is. We greeted the Faculty and Staff. They explained that they have set only one schedule for this activity or should I say, marketing [chuckles]. Some representatives from other school brought their stereo and multimedia paraphernalias. Faculty and students from my Alma Mater brought their Brochure and Calendar to distribute and post. Staffs from a different school brought a pile of test questionnaires for the students to answer and if lucky, will be granted a scholarship. We were only armed with wit, speeches and leaflets bearing texts of Courses offered by our humbly institution.
When it was our turn, we were glad they were all attentive. I guess the charm made it happened [laughs]. And so, the marketing began [chuckles again]. They asked, were answered and enjoyed our company. I was, by the way, partnered by Sir Jopay and some HRM students. We said, what should be said and did not go far away from the purpose. Besides, it's all up to the student's prerogative which school to go and what course to take up in College.