It's our anniversary and we're on the freeze mode. How sad :( I'm supposed to have colors and sparkling eyes thinking of the person whose special in my life but then, my aura is of gray for the meantime. Why do I have to experience this once again??? Sent you a message extending my greetings despite the 'space' I gave you. I dunno if you would respond.
Our first misunderstanding was the worst. It still infuriates me thinking of that particular person. I guess it's because that's the time when the real "getting to know each other" part gets serious. We were serious about this relationship. There may be bumps along the way but we will just pass through it smoothly...together!
I am hoping we could talk again soon and resolve what it needs to be resolved. I know this is again another test to our relationship. I always thought of you, honey. I loved you so much. Sometimes people who love each other really have to go through these stages to make their relationship stronger and that giving up isn't the way to solve the problems.
Is it ok to feel this way? Nah..I'm being hurt again. Crying as I am hitting the keyboard of my PC. Why? do explain why. I know this phase will PASS. We got over with the first one and this time around, it's something else. It's your call.