Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
CLICK HERE for Hot Christmas and New Year Comments
Sa mga kamag-anak, kaibigan, kakilala ko Overseas[mapa US, Asia o Middle East man]..
CLICK HERE for Hot Christmas and New Year Comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
inefficient service - part 2
Friday, December 5, 2008
inefficient service
a week ago, November 26, 2008..i applied for an internet connection at PL*T. My sister and I does a lot of research and staying up late inside an internet cafe after our classes makes it hard for us to get a transportation home. The reason why our dear Papa would patiently wait for us, in case we get home late.
It's been a week and 3days to be exact since. I called them around 1pm, asked..inquired..followed up. A lady received my call. I wasn't satisfied with the answer. She said in a lousy voice, 'wala pa ho ang port'. So I replied, 'when pa kaya yan ma-i-install? [when it might be installed? abutin pa ba yan ng next year, maam?'. It was a calm, well mannered query. Sabi ba naman ng lec@%!!, 'malapit na din naman ang next year..' Wow, matino bang sagot yan?!! My GOD! na train ba siya? ganyan ba dapat sumagot ang mga customer service representative? how sarcastic!! i responded with 'napaka inefficient niyo naman..' then put down the phone.
asan na ang quick install nila? chika lang ba yon? i now know, i now feel my best bud patzs feelings. Naabisuhan na naman ako eh about sa service nila, na kesyo mabagal. Kung sumagot daw mga CSR nila, sarcastic at madami pang iba. Na experience ko na ngayon.
Bagay nga siguro ang Palaging Late ang Dating ng Transactions nila na meaning ng company and i am hoping this would serve as a wake up call for the people of the company's branch here in our town. Wake up!! Do your jobs!!
So sad nga lang ala pang GLOBE sa area namin. I could have switch. Kalagot na lang jud!!
we waited and would still inefficient =(.. very thumbs down!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Typhoid fever strikes!!

November 27, 2008
My sister was having on and off fever few days back with accompanying headache. She was kinda hesitant when I told her that I'd bring her to the doctor. She's never been admitted to the hospital.
And so this morning, she got confined to Llanos Hospital. My best bud Patzs, Galore and Cherry we're on duty on AM shift. We packed things and brought some extra cash for medical expenses. Unfortunately, she doesn't have any medical insurance.
Yeah, so sad. Having someone we love being hospitalized makes me upset, thinking what have gotten wrong? Anyways, when patzs took her temperature, it raised to 39.3 degree celsius. The ROD examined her, took her health history then ordered for U/A and Widal test.
I left for awhile to buy IV sets. Patz inserted the IV. I witnessed the whole procedure. Makes me remember of my experience as a Volunteer then. Bingkay mentioned it does hurt but just in a snap.
I then informed Papa about sis' condition. He is coming home for the weekend. He told me, he'd relieve my position when he gets home. I could feel Papa's sadness on his message.I don't want him to get stressed. I can manage to look after my sister.
Ganon pala ang feeling noh? First time ko kasing maging watcher. Before, I was the one who deals with the patient and its watchers. And now, I am being dealt with, does the errands of buying this medicines, foods, etc.
We were settled to the Semi-Private Room, airconditioned with a cable connected television [till HBO nga lang, di kasi cable ready ang TV, hihihi]. It's rate is fair enough naman. I want my sister to stay in a room where she'd feel comfortable while being treated.
I didn't report for work. I have already informed the school concerning my absence.
Afternoon came. Her headache strikes again. When the attendant took her temperature, it went up and was given paracetamol by mouth. We were informed she was positive for Typhoid fever. My GOD! I felt sorry for my sister. I thought of asking her to recall what she had eaten for the past days. She couldn't remember. I could just react "Hay naku!"
Oh, well. This isn't a time for blaming but I hope this would serve as a lesson to her, to us, to everybody.
Getting sick is one of the most terrible thing that happens to a person. It affects nearly everything, so to speak. Yeah, thumbs down =(
I'm sure this neighbor of ours would lift her eyebrow and would probably start babbling about my sister's condition. I guess it's really her nature to make up stories about people around her eventhough we are not doing anything to her. God knows!! Sometimes, i almost thought of confronting her but something in me is telling me to hold back. Yeah, I won't stoop to her level. It won't make us less of a person and as a family. I just couldn't figure sometimes she goes to church every Sunday and then when she comes home, there she goes again. Ya know what I mean. [wink! wink!]
I bought the first batch of Bing's medications and was quite surprise of the costs. The branded antibiotics was really that expensive. It almost reach a thousand bucks per vial,and that goes for 1 dose only with 3 doses per day. Oh my!
Rose, Joy and Cheche visited their 'Ate Jo'. Her best bud Benedick came by to visit, as well.
At 7pm, she had her very first SKIN TEST. An agency protocol to determine if she is allergic to the antibacterial meds I bought. While waiting for the result, I took a short video inside the room, the facilities and the patient [hehe]. I sort of documented her IV infusion and SKIN TEST site. A remembrance and sana di na maulit pa [hope there will be no next time,chuckles]
The result was negative. It was around 7:30pm when her first dose of Ceftri was given. Hope and prayed to GOD she'd get well soon. Thanks Nurse Cybelle!
I slept late again, as usual. Was awakened when the Night shift Nurse gave her 2nd dose at around 2:30am. This blogger went back to sleep afterwards. ZZZzzzZz
November 28, 2008 Reported back to work. Asked our househelp to bring some water and look after bingkay and buy another vial for the 3rd dose at 10am. Left some cash to sis. There might be another prescribed medicines for her. She still has headache and slight fever when I left. Told them to check on the IVF and ask the Nurse for IVF to follow. Thanks to Nurse Galore, for hooking the next IVF of my sister.
My sister's classmates came over daw. They stayed for a few hours and kept them company.
I headed back to the hospital after my class, still on my scrubs uniform. I stopped by the fruit stand to buy some citrus and pineapple. The weather was gloomy and thank GOD I was already in the hospital when it rained dinosaurs outside [hehehe].
I went onto buy two more vials for the 4th dose at 6pm and 5th at 2am and some p.o. [per orem, meds taken by mouth] meds.
Papa is on his way home and relieved my position for the night. He looked stressed and admitted he didn't get enough sleep when he found out about sis' getting ill. Told him, I could stay and have him head back home to rest. He insisted to stay and smiled at me. Sabagay aircon kasi, sasarap tulog ni Papa nito [hehehe].
Before leaving, I told them to text/call me the progress. If her fever returns, anything they need, etc. Stuffs like that.
When I came home, the dogs were like looking for my sister and told them 'Ate Bing is sick.'It looked like they seem to understand me. Goodnight, everyone!!
November 29, 2008
I woke up this morning reading a good news text message from bingkay. She is not febrile [no fever noted] and was not experiencing headache anymore .Thank GOD! The meds must have taken its action. I was right. Papa had a good night sleep, he didn't even notice the Night shift Nurse entered the room at 2am to give IVTT [Intravenous through tubing] medication to Bingkay.[chuckles]. It's okay.
I brought Coffee and Creamer for Papa. Bing is visited by her PJ and Janine[again]. Sis is getting well. Thank God! Dra. Labuguen gave the last prescription of Bingkay's antibiotics, for 6th dose 10am and 7th at 6pm. I left again and bought the medicines. Finally, my sister can now go home.
Bing related a story when I got back that Papa made her giggled to laughter. When the kitchen attendant asked for the food tray with the plates and saucers on it, Papa handed it to Bingkay. I guess he had forgotten that bingkay had her dextrose on. She attempted to take it as well when she realized she couldn't carry it. They all laugh out loud. PJ volunteered to give it to the attendant.
I went down to the cashier and settled the hospital bill. I also asked for a copy Medical Certificate she could present when she comes back to school.
We went home around 8:20pm. We waited pa kasi for her last dose of branded antibiotic [e-mention ba?], for her IVF to consume and for her IV tube to be remove. She looked well naman. Thanks to Ryan for helping us out with the things we brought to the hospital. When we got home, our pets tails never cease to wag upon seeing my sister. They missed her so much. They missed Ate Bing for 2days and 2 nights.
Thanks to the Medical and Nursing Staff..GOD BLESS!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Graphic Comments
Custom Glitter Text
Friday, October 31, 2008
The JOY of passing NCLEX
I now eat DURIAN

Sometime around July or August, I was able to finally took the risk of tasting the fruit they call 'taste like heaven but smells like hell'. Our house is engulfed by the strong odor it distributes everytime my sister's bf brings this fruit.
Dinner time, my sister took out a medium plastic ware full of Durian meats, which will serve as dessert. They were encouraging me. A small taste wouldn't do me any harm. So, I took a pinch. They all looked at me when I put a small Durian meat into my mouth and awaited for my reaction, or violent reaction, hehehe. It taste good pala, sweet, delicious. I took
another one. Yummy! Wow, they all smiled. And that started it all..Durian peaks during Kadayawan in Davao.
I'm not that good in choosing the good-tasting durian but as far as I know, PUYAT and MALAYSIAN variety is satisfying.
It's costly nga lang nowadays at P60/kilo. It drops during off-peak season for as low as P25/kilo.
Before, only Papa and sis eats durian. Even our pet dogs loves it! Now, I could say DURIAN taste heavenly.
Semestral break
October 28, 2008
I caught up with Ate jel having her very,very late lunch and early dinner. It was around 5:25pm already. She served me a delectable binignit [halo-halo in coconut milk served hot/warm].
I thank Ate Jel for the merienda and took a jeepney bound for Padada. G texted she would fetch me at the Trimotor terminal. The night is drizzling. Don't want to caught up with the rain so I took a trimotor ride for P10 to G's place. At the entrance of DASUCECO compound, the guard ask where I am heading. Told him to Tandang's place. I humbly added I am their Instructor..char! hehe..I know, it's an SOP to ask strangers entering their place.
When I got there, I learned Mavic is coming over. Wow, saya nito. Bonding!! We had dinner. But, I have no plans of sleeping over for the night. I'd go home talaga after a short stay but time runs so fast that we didn't noticed it was pass 9pm already. My sister were texting me na to go home. When you spend time with your friends, time is immeasurable. So, I texted sis i'm sleeping over with Chem and Mavic. We watched Final Destination 1 and was thrilled on each of the character's death-rifying experience.
October 29, 2008
Good morning! Had a good sleep. Pi's horrifying stories never bit me. hehehe! She and Chem slept around 3am playing Word Factory. I guess the rest of the gang were exchanging snores na during this time, hahaha!
G and Pi were very accomodating. We all had a full meal breakfast. Complete from carbohydrates, protein, fats to fiber..char!! Mura mig mga bakasyonista. Sarap ng feeling!! Videoke, movie showing, free use of computer and sumptous meals, san ka pa?!
After breakfast, we sing our hearts out. Mavic's choice of songs were Pinoy rock while I and Chem were those mellow, love and pop songs we love. Wa bitaw laing maminaw. Kanta lang..hahaha!! Pi grace our request as she sang old and new songs. We just admire her golden voice. It makes me remember of Emz during College.
We intend to go home after breakfast but was moved again till lunchtime. At one point, we were all laughing 'cause our clothes were officially worn for 24 hours already. Ewww..hihihi =)
Pass 2pm..G took me and Mavic for a motorcycle ride to the bridge under construction connecting Guihing to Digos City. Folks there means of transportation is via a bangka [river boat] pulled using a rope unto the other side and the hanging man-made brige carefully welded. Oh, well.I won't dare to cross that bridge. Or so I thought. Chem wanted to try the hanging bridge. Mavic is used to cross hanging bridges in Cotabato. I remained silent. Should I or should not? 'Experience te bern..', Chem said, smiling. Giggling. I was having second thoughts talaga. I observed people carrying bicycles while crossing the bridge. 'Sige na nga..'
I answered in strong voice but deep inside, i am beginning to perspire. My chest begins to pound as we approach the bridge.
My God, it has only one handle. Could it bear my weight? The distance from the river is like around 20 feet. Mavic posed for a picture before crossing and volunteered to take our picture as we cross the bridge.
When it was my turn, everyone including people living nearby and construction workers peeked as I cross. Mura kog artista. Kung pwede lang mu-wave, hehehe. Nervousness began to enveloped my whole body. Naa na ko sa tunga niya nilihok pa bitaw na, lami kaayo isinggit. Kung kabalo lang mo sa feeling. It was really nerve-wracking. Few steps before setting foot on the other side, they were cheering me up. I placed my palm on Mavic's cheek. Namugnaw daw ko ug taman! hahaha!! I made it!!
Pass 3pm..We walked our way [more like an amazing race] to this small stall infront of a mango farm selling durians. When we get there,it was all sold out =(, sad! we took a taxi, same as the fare in multicab. We ended up buying the ones sold in the public market of Digos. I bought one piece for P175. Huge enough and its meat is sticky, and taste good, huh! I dropped by the Bakery also to buy some snacks for my sister's visitors at home.
My best bud patzs' heart is broken again. Mighty bond or any liquid adhesive can't fix the problem. Poor buddy. He had enough of their relationship. Let loose dear. You don't deserve to feel that way. You'd find someone better in time.
October 30, 2008
Morning. My good friend Joy informed thru text she would pay me a visit this afternoon to catch up on our latest whereabouts. Haven't seen her for a while. We rarely text and this blogger is excited to hear the result of her good friend's NCLEX result. Oh my, my friends are so lucky. am i not? oooopppsss, here i go again..i should not be like this..
Thanks to Ms. Rae, by the way for sending in very inspiring messages. It made me realize of my worth whenever i feel down, sometimes.
3:15pm. Joy and Mitot arrived. We began chatting and chatting and chatting. Mare is apprehensive of the result. She didn't took the quick count kasi. She opted to wait for the result na lang in weeks time.
5pm. While talking with dimples outside their house, Mareng joy received a text from NCRC informing her to get her NCLEX result tomorrow in the morning at Davao. All of us paused for a while waiting for her to reply to the message. We're positive about it.
6pm. Been to the market with mareng joy, mitot and sheila. Thanks for the ride mare, was able to save my tricycle fare.
Patzs dropped by my place again to repeat the joy ride. My sister couldn't help giggling and laugh out loud when patzs and I began conversing in English. Gina-OA-yan man gud namo. Have I mentioned he passed IELTS recently? He just did. Congratz, buddy!!
We finished muna watching Amazing Race Asia before we left. Wow! Team Philippines stepped on the mat 1st place for the second time. Sad nga lang kasi si Henry and Bernie of Thailand ang na eliminate. We were rooting for them to the Final 3. They were very competitive. Sana si A.D. and Fuzzie na lang na out. Hehe.
Goodnight, fellas! Hope u had fun reading..ciao!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Auntie Betty's Birthday!
Anyways, I now know my Auntie Nelly reads my blog. Thank you po for spending time to read a part of my life..hehe..Send my best regards to everybody. Miss ya!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
a worthy visit
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Team Wolves Wins!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
5:30am..Sir Jopay & company informed me they were already at school waiting for our cheerdancers. I texted them and they were on their way to school na daw. It's still drizzling outside.
6:25am..dropped by the school to check on our cheerdancers. Wished them goodluck for later's performance. We then headed to the assembly area of the parade. Haven't heard from Chem yet.
7:35am..Was overwhelmed with the presenceof the students in their TEAM WOLVES shirts. Better off attend the parade than suffer the consequence of monetary penalty. Attendance was checked by the way. If there would be an award for the Best Group during parade, that would be our group [hahaha, love my own kaayo ba]..Thanks TEAM WOLVES members!!
11:48am..lunch time is about to strike and we began distributing foods for the players/participants & members of the Team. I could already hear someone else's growling stomach..pardon me for spilling the bean but i'd rather keep it a blind item [chuckles]! fried chicken paired with sauteed vegetables..yummy!! Thanks to Gen, the head of FOOD Committee.
1:20pm..board games were to start according to the announcement but some of the chairman of each game were nowhere to be found [sighs]..our participants were already in standby except for the one who'll play the scrabble..a female dear..but she was able to come on time. She changed clothes pa kasi eh. Anyways, the game started & finished and we got the 2nd and 3rd place for the female & male category of the scrabble competition. For the chess, our team got the 1st place for female & 2nd for male category..
5:35pm..i'm home now tapping the keyboard on my PC relating my whereabouts rather the team's whereabouts the whole day..darn, i'm so tired..have to be early tomorrow coz it's the women's basketball's 1st game..
i'll sign off for the mean time..have to recharge..zzzzz =) ciao!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Auntie Nelly's birthday!!
How's life there in the US? I do hope to see you all there, God's will..Have a blessed sunday!! Our best regards to everybody =)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Lucky day
Thank you so much, Ma'am Lorgie! God Bless your kindness..
Man of the House
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Good day
This morning, on my way to school, in good mood. Set foot at school. Logged-in (logbook & DTR). Went inside the room then responded to my student's morning greetings. While preparing for my lesson, I stood up, "Oh my GOD," i uttered. "Naiwan ko ang Infant Care Manual sa pedicab [I left the Infant Care Manual in the tricycle]." Gosh, its a borrowed thing. One of my student tried to uplift my spirit, telling me not to worry 'cause it will be given back. I hope so. I prayed. I'm crossing my fingers, he would. But, what if he might not notice? I sat on the backseat.
Nearly an hour exhibiting my agony, optimizing. An electronics student handed-in the Manual. The tricycle driver returned the book. My God, answered prayer. God Bless the driver of that vehicle. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your honesty.
He is indeed, a GODSEND.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Cousin's Natal Day!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
i'm sick
Anyways, i'll post this the time my sister was done giving me a massage using the massage roller device she if i have an internet connection [chuckles].
Thank you, sis! i feel a bit sleepy na after the therapy. Hope to get well soon. I should..
Thursday, August 28, 2008
stressed =(
This message keeps me stronger..
"Everytime I begin to feel that there is no more strength in me,
i end up knowing that there in more in HIM."
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
MyPETS activities 1
ivory was like our living stuff toy. Taken right after their morning meal.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The RACE is on!
AMAZING RACE ASIA Season 3 is about to be aired this September 11, 2008 on AXN Channel 36, 9pm. I'd definitely mark my calendar. Looking forward to seeing the celebrity icons who represented Philippines. I do hope they've come a long way like that of Marc Nelson and Rovilson Fernandez!
a long lost friend
She's now working in Manila. It was good hearing from her again. We exchange text messages for hours. She sounded mature na. Her experiences made her realize the toughness of living alone and with nobody to run to. Lahat naman tayo may kabangbangan sa life. Ok lang yan, be tough, be careful and love your work!! You were just starting to face reality, jess! Truly, reality bites!!
Thanks for reaching out. I never forget friends. I never do that. Miss you!!
back from HongKong & a pasalubong from Malaysia
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The name is TINDOK. Its nearly 1 foot long with a diameter that my index finger and thumb won't meet an inch. Yeah, that big! I was told by 2 of my students it shouldn't be eaten raw because its tasteless.
It maybe boiled when unripe but you need to slice in pieces, enough to fit our pot. And when ripen, it's best to cook when mixed with coconut milk. Ahhh, sweetened banana in coconut milk..great for an afternoon snack!!
Final Exam
This afternoon, I asked chem to inform me if the salary is set to release. Well, well, well,!! I went to school, still in my uniform and received my hard-earned compensation. I also received the subject loads this second term. The NA 2 students notified me of Chem's new look..Hmmm, can't wait to see her so I ask where she was. Surprised! My gosh, new look nga! Bangsy-bangsy ang trip ni Chem..Was that an effect of the 5th year anniversary? hehehe!!
Inspired probably of Anne Curtis' hair style. A head turner appeal! She asked me to dwell in the Funda lab for a while. NA 2 were surprised to see another proctor. Talk about heavily guarded examination. hahaha!! She then mentioned she would take me out for a treat. Hmmm, sounds tempting!! hehehe! We walk our way to Poblacion to have the soli(s) photocopied. While waiting, we headed back to DC. We had the same meal. She let me try the new TUNA PIE of this famous food chain. It taste really good, especially when serve hot. I love it!
I texted my sister asking them what food they want to eat. My treat. Brought home Spicy chicken [her favorite] and a Burger Meal for our househelp. Feels good to share some blessings. On our way home, I paid for the tricycle fare. Thanks again for the treat, Chem! Also, it's my Manong Louie's bday today.., August 19..Hmmm, let's not talk about his age. I think that number doesn't make him look old, it just makes him look younger. hehehe! I've already sent him our greetings. Good health and more years to your life, po!
Monday, August 18, 2008
glorious moment

We're so proud of you!!
Enjoy your HK vacation! Have a safe travel...regards to your family!!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
busy but productive week..
Sunday..My best bud patzs is about to take his NCLEX Exam in Manila this week and a luxurious vacation in HK with his family to follow..bongga jud ka, dear! imo pud tibuok family..ako pud next time..hehehe..He ask me if I could handle his Caregiver classes. I surely agreed!
Monday..Started my week again at school conducting lectures. The term ends this friday. Patzs informed me if i could start conducting his classes, oh boy! He then notified me of the topics to discuss and skills to teach. He has an important appointment to attend..[char!]
Tuesday..Sir Jopet introduced me to his friend, Sir Ralph and invited yours truly to be one of the panelist/interviewer of the NA 2nd year requirements for their Business English subject. So excited with the experience, i accepted the offer. Hmmm, have to think of the possible questions..
Wednesday..The interview is to start supposedly at 1pm but the [so called] applicants were late [hmmm, not a good impression] which made us wait for quite a while. Having been interviewed recently for job applications, the questions throwed at me were still fresh in my mind. So, that offer by sir jopette is not only interesting but will contribute to my experience. Thanks, Sir jopett! [thumbs up]
Anyways, when the interview started, the room was wrapped with silence and obvious sight of nervousness from interviewee(s). We were surprised to see some who wore Shirts & Jeans. It looked like they're just to stroll in the mall. [thumbs down]
It made them more anxious when the questions started to pour in. Some began to tone down their voice while answering, some opted not to continue answering and preferred to shut their mouth but there were nerveless, in which confidence has filled their consciousness. Sir jopette gave us the criteria to grade their performance.
After the interview, we cited our comments and suggestions. That part made them release a totally big sigh to breathe out. We commended those who dressed appropriately. I think I was able to get the job done successfully! Thank GOD.
I then headed to Home Health to teach the continuation of their module on providing personal care on elderly's. One of the student surely had a relaxing moment during shampoo in bed and combing of hair. Di ba, Jay? [hehe]
Thursday..Wasn't able to accompany Sir Ralph aka Ruffa in conducting the interview 'cause I had to finish discussing the remaining chapters on their Anatomy Manual. Ok, one last make up class.
Friday..Gave my students their last quiz for the term. For item #10, I ask 'What is the Fullname of your Instructor in Anatomy?' Haha! That question was a sort of an evaluation. We'll see who got my name correctly.
This is the last day of the interview session. And yes, i'm back as interviewer for the second time. Sir Ralph and I decided to divide the last group into 2. That strategy saved us time and energy. It was good working with Sir Ralph. I love the INTERVIEWER experience.
Ma'am Lyn of HH texted me if I could meet up with the Caregiver students now instead of the scheduled time this tuesday. The Instructor who is supposed to meet them called up and had to attend an important matter. So, I agreed to swap schedule.
Saturday..This morning, was supposed to join the WALK FOR HUMANITY activity organized by the PNRC. Since the day was gloomy, i barely noticed that it was already 9am. Yes, i woke up late leaving Sir Jopet to walk alone along with his students from all Departments. Maam Mavic and company was already in the City Stadium when they get there. He sent funny messages
mega walk jud ang iya drama, hahaha!! Kaluoy sa akong amega...
Afternoon, Mui and I meet up with our Team mates for the upcoming Intramurals. Not everyone were present. We started enlisting participants for each sports and contest. We'd still be screening players and candidates next week.
Late in the afternoon, Mui, te jel and I went to reina's place. Thanks for the early dinner, ter! Happy fiesta!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
happy weekend =)
Oh my gosh, the Olympic starts today, right? Pretty big day in Beijing. 'Punta tayo don!'[let's go there] [chuckles], my usual punchline when I think of a place I wanna go to. I heard, it is to start at 8PM.
This morning, I gave my students a quiz in Anatomy, checked their assignments and proceeded with my lesson. Few more chapters to discuss. The term is set to end next week. Whew!
After class, my former student, Jackie visited and treat us [some of her classmates] all in the nearby eatery. She even brought 3 boxes of pizza. She misses her classmates and the latter [including me] will be missing her when she leaves for work in the US [char!].
Before lunch, louie lead the prayer. I'm glad seeing my students bond early this term. I look forward to a stronger, harmonious relationship they have started.
Food really is best tasted when shared. We were like a big, happy family!! Bonding would never be complete without pictures so we consumed the remaining space of the memory card on my Digi. Click! Click! Click! Captured all moments..Haaay..College life..
We're really happy to see Jackie again. Whenever her classmates starts to sing friendship songs, she becomes emotional and couldn't hold back the tears. She was overwhelmed on how her classmates cares and loves their Ate [older sister]. She never felt like that before, she shares. She never thought a teacher like me, would join and have fun with them out
Well, Jack. Apart from being your Classroom Instructor, I am also your friend. When I am at school, you noticed how I maintained a harmonious teacher-student relationship. I maybe strict most of the time but then those are for your own good.
Thank you for the respect you have given me. I appreciate that a lot.
Outside, I am your sister, your friend. I can be of help to any of my students for as long as I could, most especially in their studies. I, too was once a student. I know the feeling of having sacrifices, difficulties and overcoming them all.
Thank you, Jackie. Keep in touch, ok?
I started this post at the internet library at school awhile ago but one of the Admin Staff will use the unit I was using, i saved its draft and logged-out. When Ma'am G went back, I left with consent.
Been to Rural Bank, paid the electric bill and on my way out, my sister texted to check on her mail. Her classmate would send her something. I checked. No latest mail yet.
Now, i am here at Glorenz Cafe. It's their 4th year Anniversary. Hmmm..One of the Cafe attendant welcomed yours truly with a smile and greeted him/her [somewhat confused of the gender] 'happy anniversary!'
They served tummy-filling snacks to its customers. And for today, they charged ONLY P10/hour. How is that for a treat? My cellphone is low batt. I couldn't text my sister, I haven't memorize her new number yet. When i came here, there were like 4 customers but now, I guess the virus has been spread. Customers kept coming. The ship is already full! [chuckles]
until my next post, ciao!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Accidents happen
I read the message when i got home from the market. I immediately replied where they were taken and how are they doing.
Oh my God, this is the 3rd time. Two of my students from the 1st year, AM class met an accident sometime in June and July. The first one was a Motorcycle accident. On his way to school, his motorcycle slipped somewhere in the Highway. The 2nd one was on a Tricycle accident. According to Rea, there was something wrong with the vehicle's brake and lead to coiling of the wheels chain, or something like that [niungot daw kung sa bisaya pa, hehehe]. It went out of control leaving the passengers in the front seat [including her] placed under
the tricycle. I checked on her at the hospital during breaktime. Got admitted for further evaluation. Thank GOD nothing serious happened. Saved probably by her guardian angel!
Now, Both of my students were perfectly ok. THANK GOD!
Anyway, Mui and I visited them at the hospital and sad to see G in her pity condition. She refused to be seen. No serious injury noted, anyway. But her face suffered contusions, torn lower lip but was already stitched when we get there. She couldn't walk properly due to her swelling thigh. She is set to have her X-RAY taken this morning. I do pray everything will be alright.
The night before, we kept on laughing then last night, it was the complete opposite. Meanwhile, Pi had bruises on her left arm and complained of inability to raise the same arm higher. Pi managed to joke around despite the minor injury she got. Talk about saved by the medium built body..hehehe!
They were given medications for pain. G shares it frightens her when she closes her eyes, the scene of what had happened flashbacks! She must have been traumatized.
Anyways, inside the suite room, it has its own bathroom, TV, mini ref, aircon, mini closet and a luminous crucifix of Jesus Christ to boost the patients spiritual needs.
The room was filled with laughter again as we talked on funny things. At first, she couldn't open her mouth but later on, she manages to join and talks slowly. She would cover her face with blanket whenever she sees us laughing. We would just notice her shoulders giggling. Hehehe!!
I thought of bringing my Digi. She might want to have her photograph taken. But told us in jest, she won't talk to me anymore had I brought my precious gadget. hahaha!!
I went home pass 12mn already.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
flowers & photos [2]
Lozada Resort
Quarter to 5pm, i left home and headed to Mui's place. Gen and Ophelei got there ahead of me. While waiting for cindy and rodelyn, we walked towards the convenience store to buy some chips.
5:36pm, Ophelei switch on the engine and took the road off for pleasure driving. I envy her. I like seeing ladies who mans a car. Sosyal! [sosy] It made me recall the time when I was in Manila 2 years ago, my Aunt Nelly and Manang Chen took me out for a treat with my nephews and niece and I witness how Manang [an ilokano term we use to note older sister/cousin & so on] operates the car. I told myself, "I've got to learn driving". Sooon...
The path to San Isidro seems familiar. To our surprise, the resort is just blocks away from Malyn's Residence.
5:55pm. Finally! we set foot at LOZADA RESORT. A newly built [December 2007] public place for recreation. Entrance fee costs P30 for adults and P20 for children. What fascinates me was their array of blooming orchids & anthuriums. They even have vegetables, just by looking at them I would remember my favorite chopsuey.
I think they intend to make the place not just a resort but an orchidarium and a vegetable farm. I love their orchids, took pictures of some variety that is new to my sight.
We settled ourselves to their native hut which costs P150. The girls changed their clothes as soon as we were done setting up the table. Yeah, too excited to take the plunge!
That night was a sort of gathering with my former students and now on their 2nd & last year under the Advisory of Mui. We had so much fun, we laugh out aloud enjoying every minute of our stay. It was like we own the pool.
The girls wanted to sing along in the karaoke but to no avail. There were too many singing wannabe's waiting for their turn to express their "sort-of" hidden talents. Hahaha!! Funny thing is they chosen piece were all from years beyond. Ya know what I mean, hehehe!
The resort had 2 swimming pools, by the way. For adults and kids. The one for adults ranges from 5-7ft deep. Yours truly and some of her not-so-good-in-swimming companions managed to swam around near the wide pool stairs with rails. I could swim farther if it was daytime but since its night time, I was afraid of the limited surrounding light in the pool area. I just thought of my personal safety, that's all [chuckles]
When we were inside the gosh! i forgot to pack extra supot [plastic bag] for my wet clothes. [Sigh] I just squeeze my damp suits and wrapped it with my towel and slip it on inside my bag. Solved!
Went home around 12:30AM. Thanks to Gen and Ophelie for taking us all back to Digos, safely. They got home safely, as well.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Semi-final Exam
Yesterday was their Anatomy exam. That same day in the afternoon, I checked and recorded their scores. Pretty glad by the consistency of one of my brilliant student! [thumbs up] I don't keep their test papers at home. I return it to them as soon as I could so they can use it for future reference.
This morning, they had an exam on Ethics. Their strictly monitoring proctor strikes again.. [chuckles] Gen sent a text message inviting Mui and I to come with them to unwind, go swimming after their epistaxis-ing exam. The venue was new to us, it's a resort. Hmm..sounds interesting! Since we're not doing anything, we decided to come along with Sir Jopay.
We will meet around 4-5pm at Mui's place. I'll post a blog about the place maybe tomorrow or on sunday.
Have to go now..ciao!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The program host was Mr. Dondon Llanos, Director of Red Cross Committee and welcomed everbody to the PNRC Davao del Sur Chapter 1st Blood Olympics. He emphasized that this is not just Davao del Sur's first but of entire Philippines. We were glad to hear such news!
A short message was given by Ma'am Helen D. Caberto, RMT, MPA, Head of PNRC Davao del Sur Chapter and Dr. Allan Kintanar, one of the Red Cross Davao del Sur's Director.
Out of 7 group participants, students from PITS were the only group in complete uniform.
Beat that!
Prior to Q & A portion, Mui and I felt jittery but we managed to be calm and relax as it goes.. I guess the positive energy was with them the whole time. There were questions in which they were the only group who got it correctly. During updates of scores, i was also taking note of the participants' standing. The host also acknowledges the presence of the Advisers during the event [ehem, ehem..looks like we were the ONLY Advisers present]. Thank you!!
The last tally of scores was heart-pumping. For a while, the audience were entertained with intermission numbers. Just before the announcement of winners, Mui whispered joyfully we got the over-all 2nd place brushing elbows with the ROTC group from CJC. Tallying of scores were held in public for transparency purposes. "Oh my God, Oh my God..I wanna jump now..I wanna scream!", i uttered myself. Couldn't get hold of the excitement so I took my phone out of my bag and prepared the Create Message Option [hehehe] ..
CONGRATULATIONS!! Your dear Advisers and PITS Family we're so proud of you.
Participants manages to set aside the 'lubb-dubb' sound for the meantime. I know the feeling. I used to attend Quiz bowls during High School and College. It's not the winning or losing that matters but the learning experience and a fulfilling commitment being a participant. Upon hearing the announcement of the winners, I immediately sent out the good news to Ma'am Sol, Sir Jopay and to the rest of the Administrative Staff. Couldn't bear the excitement eh! We took pictures and lots of it!
We shook hands with Maam Helen and Sir Dondon. We extended our appreciation for having us a part of the pioneering blood olympics. God Bless, Red Cross!
After the Quiz bowl, BLOOD LETTING ACTIVITY followed. Too bad, wasn't able to donate blood so with Mui =(. The time may not be now but definitely soon..
Before leaving CJC, we passed by this spot where a photograph of the victim of the recent blasting incident is posted.
The family and the entire school mourns for her regrettable loss. Too soon to die..
May she rest in peace..