November 27, 2008
My sister was having on and off fever few days back with accompanying headache. She was kinda hesitant when I told her that I'd bring her to the doctor. She's never been admitted to the hospital.
And so this morning, she got confined to Llanos Hospital. My best bud Patzs, Galore and Cherry we're on duty on AM shift. We packed things and brought some extra cash for medical expenses. Unfortunately, she doesn't have any medical insurance.
Yeah, so sad. Having someone we love being hospitalized makes me upset, thinking what have gotten wrong? Anyways, when patzs took her temperature, it raised to 39.3 degree celsius. The ROD examined her, took her health history then ordered for U/A and Widal test.
I left for awhile to buy IV sets. Patz inserted the IV. I witnessed the whole procedure. Makes me remember of my experience as a Volunteer then. Bingkay mentioned it does hurt but just in a snap.
I then informed Papa about sis' condition. He is coming home for the weekend. He told me, he'd relieve my position when he gets home. I could feel Papa's sadness on his message.I don't want him to get stressed. I can manage to look after my sister.
Ganon pala ang feeling noh? First time ko kasing maging watcher. Before, I was the one who deals with the patient and its watchers. And now, I am being dealt with, does the errands of buying this medicines, foods, etc.
We were settled to the Semi-Private Room, airconditioned with a cable connected television [till HBO nga lang, di kasi cable ready ang TV, hihihi]. It's rate is fair enough naman. I want my sister to stay in a room where she'd feel comfortable while being treated.
I didn't report for work. I have already informed the school concerning my absence.
Afternoon came. Her headache strikes again. When the attendant took her temperature, it went up and was given paracetamol by mouth. We were informed she was positive for Typhoid fever. My GOD! I felt sorry for my sister. I thought of asking her to recall what she had eaten for the past days. She couldn't remember. I could just react "Hay naku!"
Oh, well. This isn't a time for blaming but I hope this would serve as a lesson to her, to us, to everybody.
Getting sick is one of the most terrible thing that happens to a person. It affects nearly everything, so to speak. Yeah, thumbs down =(
I'm sure this neighbor of ours would lift her eyebrow and would probably start babbling about my sister's condition. I guess it's really her nature to make up stories about people around her eventhough we are not doing anything to her. God knows!! Sometimes, i almost thought of confronting her but something in me is telling me to hold back. Yeah, I won't stoop to her level. It won't make us less of a person and as a family. I just couldn't figure sometimes she goes to church every Sunday and then when she comes home, there she goes again. Ya know what I mean. [wink! wink!]
I bought the first batch of Bing's medications and was quite surprise of the costs. The branded antibiotics was really that expensive. It almost reach a thousand bucks per vial,and that goes for 1 dose only with 3 doses per day. Oh my!
Rose, Joy and Cheche visited their 'Ate Jo'. Her best bud Benedick came by to visit, as well.
At 7pm, she had her very first SKIN TEST. An agency protocol to determine if she is allergic to the antibacterial meds I bought. While waiting for the result, I took a short video inside the room, the facilities and the patient [hehe]. I sort of documented her IV infusion and SKIN TEST site. A remembrance and sana di na maulit pa [hope there will be no next time,chuckles]
The result was negative. It was around 7:30pm when her first dose of Ceftri was given. Hope and prayed to GOD she'd get well soon. Thanks Nurse Cybelle!
I slept late again, as usual. Was awakened when the Night shift Nurse gave her 2nd dose at around 2:30am. This blogger went back to sleep afterwards. ZZZzzzZz
November 28, 2008 Reported back to work. Asked our househelp to bring some water and look after bingkay and buy another vial for the 3rd dose at 10am. Left some cash to sis. There might be another prescribed medicines for her. She still has headache and slight fever when I left. Told them to check on the IVF and ask the Nurse for IVF to follow. Thanks to Nurse Galore, for hooking the next IVF of my sister.
My sister's classmates came over daw. They stayed for a few hours and kept them company.
I headed back to the hospital after my class, still on my scrubs uniform. I stopped by the fruit stand to buy some citrus and pineapple. The weather was gloomy and thank GOD I was already in the hospital when it rained dinosaurs outside [hehehe].
I went onto buy two more vials for the 4th dose at 6pm and 5th at 2am and some p.o. [per orem, meds taken by mouth] meds.
Papa is on his way home and relieved my position for the night. He looked stressed and admitted he didn't get enough sleep when he found out about sis' getting ill. Told him, I could stay and have him head back home to rest. He insisted to stay and smiled at me. Sabagay aircon kasi, sasarap tulog ni Papa nito [hehehe].
Before leaving, I told them to text/call me the progress. If her fever returns, anything they need, etc. Stuffs like that.
When I came home, the dogs were like looking for my sister and told them 'Ate Bing is sick.'It looked like they seem to understand me. Goodnight, everyone!!
November 29, 2008
I woke up this morning reading a good news text message from bingkay. She is not febrile [no fever noted] and was not experiencing headache anymore .Thank GOD! The meds must have taken its action. I was right. Papa had a good night sleep, he didn't even notice the Night shift Nurse entered the room at 2am to give IVTT [Intravenous through tubing] medication to Bingkay.[chuckles]. It's okay.
I brought Coffee and Creamer for Papa. Bing is visited by her PJ and Janine[again]. Sis is getting well. Thank God! Dra. Labuguen gave the last prescription of Bingkay's antibiotics, for 6th dose 10am and 7th at 6pm. I left again and bought the medicines. Finally, my sister can now go home.
Bing related a story when I got back that Papa made her giggled to laughter. When the kitchen attendant asked for the food tray with the plates and saucers on it, Papa handed it to Bingkay. I guess he had forgotten that bingkay had her dextrose on. She attempted to take it as well when she realized she couldn't carry it. They all laugh out loud. PJ volunteered to give it to the attendant.
I went down to the cashier and settled the hospital bill. I also asked for a copy Medical Certificate she could present when she comes back to school.
We went home around 8:20pm. We waited pa kasi for her last dose of branded antibiotic [e-mention ba?], for her IVF to consume and for her IV tube to be remove. She looked well naman. Thanks to Ryan for helping us out with the things we brought to the hospital. When we got home, our pets tails never cease to wag upon seeing my sister. They missed her so much. They missed Ate Bing for 2days and 2 nights.
Thanks to the Medical and Nursing Staff..GOD BLESS!!
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