Its officially 365 days to the NATIONAL ELECTION, and some of my fellow countrymen has yet to decide who will they choose to hold the highest position of the Republic of the Philippines.
But before doing so, sit back, spare a minute of your time and read what this article is all about.
How do we defineLeadership? How do we assess a good leader? What characteristics should a true leader possess? Pretty hard questions, isn't? Can you think of an answers in a snap?
A TRUE LEADER is not recognized by his title or position, but by his noble qualities. Only blind followers applaud a charlatan; wise men distinguish the qualified leader from ordinary folks and acknowledge his magnanimous deeds and reputable character.
Wise Teacher
A wise teacher or leader finds it better to have a few intelligent followers who seriously undergo change than having a million stubborn and lazy adherents who want to remain as they are.
Leadership is not a position of lordship but of service. It is not to be equated with indulgence in luxury or family prosperity but with performance of much sacrifice and austerity.
When a leader makes a mistake, the karmic reaction incurred is multiplied by the number of people who are put into misery by the error. The more people are harmed, the heavier the payment in karmic terms. If a person is not ready to bear a burden, he should not seek such a position of responsibility.
If you seek the limelight, be ready for the trash that will be thrown at you. A real leader seeks to go to the forefront of a battle, not to seek privileges for himself but to protect and serve the weak and innocent. He is motivated by compassion, not by lustful passion.
Praises only have real value when they are truthful; if heaped upon an unqualified soul, they are simply empty words.
Inner strength
A real leader survives the worst of battles because he has an inner strength that cannot be defeated by weapons. In victory or defeat, he remains a man of wisdom and compassion. Thus, he is admired by all.
Power can be intoxicating. It can drive you mad or make you bad.
If you ever get into a position of power, use it for the good of others and in the service of the Supreme [we all know who He is]. In this way, you don't get sucked into the snake pit of hellish and selfish existence.
A real leader admits his mistakes and becomes a greater person by doing so.
If you don't have any good qualities as a leader, what can you pass on to your followers?
Lead by good and not by greed!
Source: PDI 9/2/2000, page E13, Lotus Pond Column by R. Valencia
[Note: I've been keeping this clipping for the past 8 years. One day, while going through my papers, it suddenly tear off. I have no choice but to throw it out. But before doing that, I decided to post it to share the realizations of this article.]
2010 Election is upcoming. It's time for us to make radical decisions. Decisions that will indeed change each Filipino lives. Choose wisely! Vote wisely!!
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