Tuesday, February 16, 2010


It's pass 3am, 3:20am to be exact and couldn't sleep. A lot of things is lurking on my mind. Is it due to stress from work? life? love life? Ahm, I guess the 3rd one is closer. I just need peace of mind. How do I get over this feeling?

Sometimes, I am the type of a person who reserves feelings and emotions especially when it comes to the matters of the heart. I know, I know this should be spoken out. This should be ventilated. My thoughts are contradicting with what my heart is telling. Just when you thought everything is falling into place, someone tries to ruin it. Someone tries to intrude. Someone makes it complicated.

The road was clear to pass and a manhole just popped, waiting for someone to fall so this person can fill-in the spot. A space that is not meant for this person anymore. Move on with your life!!

Best bud patz, let's have coffee.

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