Monday, May 11, 2009

Amazing Race 14 Season Finale

I got frustrated when I failed to watch the episode preceeding the season finale. Thanks to the internet, by the way. I was able to catch up on the episode that determines the Final 3.  After finding out the 3 set of teams who will race for a million dollar bucks, I immediately posted a note on our refrigerator never to forget the season finale of Amazing Race 14.  

Few minutes ago, the show just ended and was glad of the result of the race. It always ends up with the brainy task. 

I remembered my post on February 23, 2009. I left a question stating "Will there be another sibling winners just like the latest season?" Oh yes, Tammy and Victor answers the question.

Tammy Jih (26), Victory Jih (35)
Amerians [American-Asian] from San Francisco and Los Angeles California are sibling lawyers with Harvard Law degrees and manage to work as partners in their law firm. Beating the odds in the race, their confidence and perseverance, not to mention teamwork made them the winners of this season. Being on the race is not just about physical investment, it takes mental ability to get ahead of the other team.  Knowledge is Power. It's a game. It's a competition. It's a race. 

Congratulations Tammy and Victor! 
You've made your fellow Asians more proud of you!

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